Festo FluidSIM

In this module, you’ll be using FluidSIM Pneumatik V4.5 Meclab. Further documentation is available online at https://www.festo-didactic.com/ov3/media/customers/1100/698522_fl_sim_p42_de_offset.pdf

Creating a new project

In order to create a new project, click on File New. Alternatively, you can click on the New icon on the top bar.


Fig. 11 Creating a new project

Building circuits

Components can be dragged and dropped from the components window on the left side into the workspace on the right side. Pneumatic, electrical and logical circuits can be constructed this way.


Fig. 12 FluidSIM environment

Starting/Stopping the simulation

The start/stop buttons in the top bar can be used to start/stop the simulation. If there are no errors in the circuits, the simulation should run and the start icon should turn green.


Fig. 13 FluidSIM environment